Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

You are one step closer to the Transformation of your lifetime.....

You are one step closer to what could be the most profound experience of your life. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an amazing journey of your consciousnesses and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within.

People come for a QHHT session for many reasons. Some come out of curiosity, some have questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Over all, clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and most importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.

Clients come with life threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression or addictions. They come with a desire to make their life better. Many times they may feel an inner knowing that they are meant to be doing “something” different with their life but need clarity on what that something is. And sometimes they come with questions about our universe, God or Source and their connection to it.

Working with clients specifically in this deeply relaxed state led Dolores Cannon to discover that any individual can gain access to experiences of Past Lives they have lived. It was also exploring with clients in this state that she discovered an infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with. This part of ourselves is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, so Dolores appropriately chose to label it The Subconscious/ Higher Self. The Subconscious is what gave her and practitioners of her QHHT technique access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings, when appropriate. Over her 45-year career, her technique has proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their Age, Gender, Personality, Physical Symptoms, Religious Beliefs or Cultural Backgrounds.

AnneMarie Martins was a successful international music agent for 37+ years, after graduating from Boston University with a BFA.  She created her first company after a meditation/vision of healing the planet with music by breaking down barriers, prejudices and opening people's minds and eyes to new cultures, traditions, and ideas through music. 

Growing up catholic made her question religious dogma which seemed very restrictive and she began to wonder about the true nature of God, of the universe and energy. 
  AnneMarie remembered when she was about 10 years old, contemplating the concept (learned in science class) that energy doesn't die.   So she logically wondered what happens to the energy in our bodies that make us able to think, feel, move and be alive, when we die?    And so began her journey of exploration into energy and consciousness. 

Over the years, she began reading everything she could find about life after death, the spirit realms and how all life is energetically inter-connected.   AnneMarie has studied with many teachers over decades of learning and has received Master Level certifications in Intuition Medicine® as well as Sound Healing.  She currently is a Level 3 QHHT practitioner,  a certified Spiritual (energy) Healer, a Medium and Intuitive Channel.   

After reading several of Dolores Cannon's books,  Annemarie decided to have her own regression.  It took her to a past life that reinforced her path as a healer and an activator of human consciousness.   

Discovering QHHT was a life changing experience as AnneMarie says, "I am constantly amazed and grateful at the power we all hold inside us to create transformation and healing.  I consider this work a privilege and a gift to offer to those who come to me to facilitate a session."  

About image

 The session today was an incredible experience…thank you thank you thank you for this. It’s still all sinking in so it will take me a few days to process it all, and relisten to the session. But I feel incredible and a lot of the obstacles I brought into the session, seem no longer insurmountable. I felt very “light” after leaving, an incredible sense of relief. It was a life changing experience, that is for sure. AnneMarie is very effective, and created the right environment with trust, candor, kindness and empathy. A great listener! This was a true journey into the essence of my being, my purpose as a human being, and brought life into a very different perspective. I will be forever thankful to you for the service you provided. 

S.T. Sarasota FL

 AnneMarie is one of those people that you feel comfortable with straight away. She is compassionate and so genuine which makes the whole experience very comfortable. My session was nothing like I imagined it would be but everything I needed to reset back to who I really am! It was a once in a lifetime experience that I am beyond grateful to AnneMarie for providing for me. Go ahead and book your QHHT Session with AnneMarie, you will not regret it I guarantee it! 

J.J. Naples FL

 My experience with Anne Marie was amazing! She took her time with me and guided me down a path of discovery that I will never forget. She was very easy to talk to and the environment she provided was very comfortable and relaxing. I feel stronger, more whole, and complete within myself after this session, with having discovered who I truly am and with having had that direct connection with my Higher Self. I can't recommend this enough and Anne Marie is wonderful! 

S.G. New Port Richey FL

 From the very first contact that I had made with AnneMarie Martins, I felt that I was going to be in good hands. AnneMarie answered any questions I had and sent me information on how to prepare for the QHHT session. When I arrived at her place, immediately I felt very welcome. I was able to let my guard down and just be myself. Connecting with AnneMarie was so easy and intuitive. She helped me sort out my questions while getting to know me. The time we spent chatting was really therapeutic. She was able to relate to me and help me get to the heart of the matter in my questions to my higher self. Once we started the session, with AnneMarie’s guidance I was able to achieve the deepest state of trance. I journeyed to two past lives, I learned a lot about myself during that time. The connection to my higher self became very apparent during the session. I was able to get the answers I needed, but mostly I feel that since the session I have a much clearer understanding of myself and what I am here on this planet to do. I see more clearly and feel the connection with my higher self now more than every before. I will be listening to my intuition and paying attention. Thank you for your guidance. My appreciation is deep and I thank you for helping me connect. 

S.A. Tampa FL

 I was a bit nervous going into the session, wondering if I would be capable of going into the space being asked of me. I was met with a warm environment, where AnneMarie made me feel at ease and comfortable. It was a natural flow of opening. Leading up to the session, she gave me a very realistic idea of what to expect, and assured me that it was easy and accessible for all. I was able to fully relax with the guidance of her voice, and go to a deep place. Although I was aware the entire time, I was being directed to speak by my higher self. The words were coming through me, to answer the questions we had agreed to ask. It was so beautiful to hear the guidance that is always there for us, yet are not always able to hear. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for AnneMarie, and the space and service she is providing for others to gain the insight, intuition, and healing they are asking for. Blessings. Blessings. Blessings. 

G.F. Sarasota FL

 I think I’ve gotten better at handling and understanding a lot of things, and the greatest thing I took from our session was your confirmation of my “foresight” ability. Ever since you verbally addressed that, it’s like something opened up within me and I’ve been able to acutely tap into it, and often. All the signs and messages are showing up now, more than ever and very clearly. It’s been a little scary at first, getting used to it and all, but what a blessing! I don't know how to thank you for your services and how wonderful that day was. It really meant so much to me and was easily one of the best and most memorable days of my life. I just need a bit of time to process and unpack everything. You are so wonderful, above and beyond and I sincerely hope to have another session with you or just work with you again one day in general. 

D.R. Bradon FL

 I was amazed at the information this session provided me. It would be impossible to make any of it up myself and I’m still integrating the meaning by listening to the recording every night. Well worth every minute. I found Anne Marie to be especially kind and understanding and that helped me to be comfortable during this experience. I would recommend her to anyone with the highest rating possible. This was one of the most valuable experiences I’ve ever done and I appreciate my hearing being restored in my right ear. I would never have thought any of this was possible. Thank you for your dedication to this QHHT practice! 

T.P., Sacramento CA

 My QHHT session with AnneMarie Martins was healing, revealing, and brought about a greater scope of understanding to the difficult issues I have dealt with in my life. For these reasons I found my work with AnneMarie incredibly helpful. I definitely gained clarity around the issues that brought me to QHHT. What was revealed was not at all what I had expected but it wasn't totally surprising either. The information I gained formed a more complete picture of me. AnneMarie knows her trade and does it extremely well. She takes the time to know you, to understand what issues are important, and then through QHHT, gets to the root of what needs healing, and through targeted questioning garners the information you seek. AnneMarie is incredibly effective in her work! On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest, I would rate AnneMarie at the top of the scale. She is nurturing, compassionate, and highly skilled at what she does. If you are inclined to go on this journey of self discovery, AnneMarie is an excellent navigator! I can highly recommend her! 

A.P., Tiburon CA

 AnneMarie was extremely thorough in explaining the QHHT process and made sure I knew what to expect. She spent time really listening to my story first, and she helped me to identify exactly what questions I felt most important to answer about my life. I felt so comfortable in her home … her noted empathy and compassion made it easy to relax and be honest. This process (along with her QHHT induction) allowed me to slip into a state where my past lives were easily identified by me, with AnneMarie providing pertinent questions. I was amazed, since I have tried for many years to access my past lives to no avail. All of my questions that we had identified at the beginning of the session were addressed, and subsequently there were insights as to why I have the challenges I face in my present life. I found more ‘pieces to my puzzle’! There were other ‘good’ surprises during the session that left me with a new perspective as to how I open each precious day. I highly recommend AnneMarie as a sensitive, intuitive and professional practitioner. Working with AnneMarie was an absolute pleasure! 

L,.G. San Jose CA

 I didn’t believe QHHT was real. I really didn’t. I had been to a session before with a different person, paid double what AnneMarie charges, and just didn’t get deep enough. In fact, I didn’t believe “hypnosis” worked for me. AnneMarie is so down to earth and genuine with accepting every doubt and honest feeling, that she put me at ease to be able to express to her anything I questioned. Her induction calmed me and I almost instantly went into a subconscious state, not just seeing, but “feeling” my son who had passed away 3 years ago. He revealed past lives we’ve had together like a waking dream yet so real that I “felt” myself there! Powerful. Even with all my doubt, AnneMarie’s ability to accept all my doubts to warm me into allowing what will then come next was the “invitation” I needed. . This session was a life changing experience! 

A.M. Benicia CA

 The moment I met AnneMarie, I felt her warm welcome and immediately felt comfortable, invited and connected heart to heart. She listens with deep curiosity with her whole being and brings her beautiful presence. I felt safe and went into deep relaxation. During the session as she asked me questions, I really felt her advocating on my behalf so that I could have the questions I came with answered as deeply and helpfully as possible. I have since recommended many people to her and they've all loved their experience! 

J.H. Benicia CA

 In the days following my session with AnneMarie, I felt a huge relief from a specific relationship problem. AnneMarie was diligent in making sure I had the information I needed from those who had crossed over. When I feel grief and sadness encroaching, I am reminded of what I was told by them during my session. I came home with a renewed interest to persevere with my ideas and take action that will move those ideas forward. I am, quite simply, amazed that I no longer feel the weight of failure and sadness. I've waited a long time for those feelings to leave me. This is a life changing experience. Thank you AnneMarie. 

M.D. El Sobrante CA

 I had limited knowledge of QHHT prior to my session. I understood the premise, but I have never read a book about it or studied it on my own. I booked a session on a hunch that it would be a unique, possibly once in a lifetime experience and it was. AnneMarie helped me to feel comfortable immediately. She has a warm personality that allowed me to open up to her even though I am usually a private person. AnneMarie sent clear instructions prior to the session so that I was aware of what to expect. The QHHT session itself allowed me to be guided into a familiar yet totally new experience where I was able to observe my soul's former life. Through this, I learned that I can be a strong woman and yet that doesn't mean that I have to isolate or wall myself off. I saw how to balance the strong and the soft that I've always felt I possessed, but have never known how to lean into. Since the session, this has stuck with me to empower me to be more open in my stressful work environment, and to come from a place of strength, not defeat, when communicating with others about my challenges. My favorite part of the session was diving into my subconscious. This allowed me to integrate the learnings from my past life and leave with a feeling of love and contentment. AnneMarie has a real gift for this work and is an excellent facilitator of this very intimate experience. 

K.B., Richmond CA.

 I had been reading Dolores Cannon and was very curious for some time about past life regression and more recently the QHHT technique. I was referred to AnneMarie by another practitioner and I am very grateful. I went into it with a lot of questions and expectations, which is very common for me. What I received was not what I "wanted to get" but it is absolutely what I needed. I have done a lot of meditating, listening to the audio she provides and have been reading Brian Weiss since the session. I have come to realize that our higher self gives us what we need and are ready to receive, not what we expect or want. It is clear I need to heal some deep traumas from my current life as well as the prior life that was shown to me. It is so important to do this kind of work with someone who is kind and gentle and gifted, and that is AnneMarie. She is an extremely warm, kind, compassionate and generous person both with her caring and her time. I was very moved by this and her gentleness of guiding me through the whole experience. She is also very skilled at the guiding process. I think everyone can greatly benefit from the QHHT experience and being guided through it by AnneMarie. 

M.R. San Anselmo CA

 AnneMarie is simply amazing, warm, friendly, calm, grounded! At the beginning of the session she asked me meaningful questions, then she relaxed me with sounds and finally moved me to a state of hypnosis. I got answer to a few very important questions that I have been struggling with for the past 7 years. AnneMarie also performed an healing ritual that worked like magic: my feet were cold and my head was in pain, due to the overwhelming emotions I experienced while in hypnosis, and as soon as she started the healing process, my headache went away and I got all warm and cozy. I highly recommend AnneMarie and plan to go back next year. 

G.T., Novato CA

 I've had several unexplained experiences throughout my life, since as early as 3, that I had not even the slightest answer to. After meeting with AnneMarie I have gained so much insight into these events, I have gained confidence, and I have a clearer understanding of what my life purpose is. Thank you so much AnneMarie for facilitating a safe, comfortable and open space for me to discover parts of me I would not have known how to reach on my own. It was truly life changing. 

C.R. Shingle Springs CA

 My session with AnneMarie was wonderful and insightful and healing. She has a very calm, compassionate, dedicated and healing presence and I felt very comfortable in my session. I was able to discover some very helpful and enlightening information during the session and felt wonderful afterwards. Thank you AnneMarie! 

F.Z. Benicia CA

 I had a wonderful experience with AnneMarie. It provided me with insights and perspectives that really stick with me . I would recommend this experience to anyone looking for deeper self- understanding and personal growth. 

B.H., Berkeley, CA

 Working with AnneMarie offers an opportunity to turn inward and restore faith in oneself. For those longing to better know themselves or hoping to connect with their purpose and lineage, I highly recommend sitting with AnneMarie. Her approach to QHHT is perfect for those who are opening themselves to deeper connections, as she helps frame the dialogue and guide the experience to allow for targeted growth and authentic awareness. 

B.B., Richmond CA.

 If you are curious about learning about yourself and areas that may be more challenging to reach on a conscious level, I highly recommend giving yourself the gift of a QHHT session with AnneMarie. I had not participated in any sort of hypnotherapy in the past and was able to gain access to information that was valuable for me to know about myself. In addition, Anne Marie is a lovely, warm, patient and kind practitioner, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her! 

C.Y., Rocklin CA

 AnneMarie was phenomenal to work with and she took so much time with me to make sure she completely understood my questions and helped me to get further clarification. I had a lot of A-ha moments just in the initial interview process. As this was my first session I wasn't entirely sure what to expect but AnneMarie thoroughly explained the process and checked in often as to my comfort level. Overall the experience was really informative and very interesting. I could not recommend this experience more, lead by AnneMarie, of course! 

A.C. Napa CA

 The session was definitely helpful. The discussion of all my past traumas at the beginning was already liberating before the regression. AnneMarie was very skillful at asking questions, and very compassionate in her responses. AnneMarie is a healer in every sense of the word. She conveys a sense of deep caring and compassion. AnneMarie is very gentle. Her relaxed and peaceful demeanor made this interesting session all the more enjoyable and helpful. 

K.T. Lafayette CA

 As I continue to listen to the Recording of the Session at different time intervals, I receive more and more information and Guidance from my Guides and my Higher Self, and a much deeper connection! When I hear the voice of the pure subconscious, it furthers the benefits and healing of the Session.... Like a Blueprint. Thank You so much for helping me to see the courage and walk into the Portal that has been opened at this time, and to accept my initiation. I cannot thank you enough, your gift and innate ability to adapt to each person is astounding! The gift you have that I completely admire is your Telepathic abilities in how you can manifest the perfect exact words that I would send, but could not find the words myself! 

S.B. Fairfax CA

 AnneMarie was very knowledgeable, kind, funny and easy to connect with. Her presence made me feel comfortable really quickly and I was very impressed with her set of skills on the metaphysical and psychic realms. The environment was very pleasant and relaxing and the energies in her healing room were very conducive to a positive and holistic healing experience. I am very happy with my QHHT session and I feel that i learned a lot about myself and gained helpful tools to continue on my healing journey. Thank You so much AnneMarie!! 

M.W. , Antioch CA

 I found AnneMarie to be a very effective practitioner. I also found her to be very kind and welcoming. I felt extremely comfortable having her as my guide during my hypnosis and would definitely work with her again. It felt like 10 years of therapy took place in just 5 hours. 

K.T. , Mendocino CA

 My session with Anne Marie was a beautiful and helpful experience. The space and energy she holds makes you feel safe and taken care of. Her voice and process of the hypnosis is very peaceful and skilled. I believe Anne Marie is a natural and I would suggest to anyone who is interested to do a QHHT session with her! 

P. B. Boulder CO

 I just wanted to share this video review and thank you again for the effective, insightful session : https://youtu.be/fSp20_tk2mY I've been recommending you to friends and people I meet. 

L.P. Corte Madera CA

 I highly recommend a QHHT session with Anne Marie. She is a lovely, kind spirit. It was wonderful spending time getting to know her and connecting before the session. I was already relaxed, however once the session began she easily guided me into a deeper relaxed state. The images I saw came easily and her voice was like a soothing guide that helped me describe what I was seeing. Since the session I have had an increased sense of peace and joy. 

H.J. Lakeland FL

 From the very first moment I visited AnneMarie’s website, I knew that I wanted to have my QHHT session with her (I flew in from Toronto for this!). She radiates positive energy, and there is a healing warmth about her. We had a lovely conversation before the session. AnneMarie helped me define my questions and the intention for the session. She also has the best setup with a comfortable bed and blankets. I was able to go under very quickly. The actual hypnosis lasted over two hours, but it felt like it was over in a flash! I am still receiving insights, and all kinds of synchronicities have been happening since; it’s only been a little over a week. When I'm ready for another QHHT session, I know I’m going back to see AnneMarie! 

T.G. Toronto Canada

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Session Information 

I look forward to being your guide on this life changing, transformational journey. For best results start by setting the intention to connect with your Higher-Self, that Divine part of you that holds all of the information, wisdom, and healing. If you meditate it's wonderful to do before coming to your appointment. 

Bring questions that you would like answered to your session. If you have a lot, put the most important ones first. Please write or print out your questions so I can have them to read during your session.

Limit alcohol use the night before. Eat something before your appointment. Following your session take it easy the rest of the evening and drink plenty of water so that you can process this beautiful journey. I will record your session and send you a link to download it. The link will be available to download. 

Parts of your QHHT session will be clear following your session, though like a dream it begins to fade. This is why listening to your recording allows you to absorb and process the information you received. (Don't listen to your recording while driving).

Your session is confidential so please come to your session alone. If someone is driving you they can drop you off and return to pick you up when you contact them. Enjoy Dolores Cannon's short videos below. To schedule your QHHT session email me at: annemarie@annemariemartins.com 

Dolores Cannon, is the developer of this technique.   www.DoloresCannon.com

This is a video of a past life regression during the time of the building of the Great Pyramids. The client gives a lot of description about her mission to help humans build the pyramids, how to move the stones into place, as well as the purpose of the pyramids and how they help humanity.  She also brings us to visit her "home planet" which is a peaceful place of love and harmony.   
  • $8880.00
  •  2/15/2025 05:00 PM - 2/28/2025 12:00 PM
  •   Tour the Sacred sites of Egypt

Join us on a special alternative tour of Egypt as we are guided by psychics, mediums and channelers as well as renowned Egyptologists. You will be immersed in discovering the hidden side of Egypt, ancient technologies, stargates, spiritual practices, life after death, going back into the Zep Tepi!

  • $40.00
  •  10/12/2024 01:00 PM - 10/12/2024 03:30 PM
  •   Spirit University

Step into a world where your senses become gateways to other lifetimes, dimensions, and spiritual realms. In this immersive experience, you’ll be gently guided into a state of deep relaxation, where heightened perception may unlock the mysteries of your past lives, subconscious memories, ancestral connections. As you navigate these extraordinary realms, you’ll meet your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors, each offering insights and wisdom to enrich your journey. Engage all of your senses—sight, sound, touch, smell, and intuition—as you delve into the profound layers of your soul’s history and spiritual essence. Through multiple guided experiences, you will explore these hidden dimensions, with ample time for journaling and sharing within the group. This event is designed to enhance your extra-sensory perception and inner knowing, providing a transformative experience that resonates deeply within your being. Come prepared to explore, discover, and connect in ways you’ve never imagined. With AnneMarie Martins and Valerie Camozzi, Level 3 QHHT practitioners

  • Sarasota, Florida, United States